Wednesday 8 April 2009


The day has come and I am ready for it. It’s 4 am now and she waits for me at the docks. The weather looks favourable to begin my voyage upon this giant sea – The Pacific Ocean.
It has been one hour since I left home, the sea has smooth waters…


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  2. ...It´s night now and i'm just think about how incredible has been my last hours.To pass all day looking through clouds and perceive how different it can become,seeing the sea and listening its water's sound,looking at the stars to guess if some of them form some stranger figure...I know that everything can happen along this trip...less this my fascination by things created for God.Right now, i'm gonna sleep,to wake up tomorrow and find out, surprisingly,that all this was real.

  3. DAY TWO
    The sunshine touch my face and I slowly wake up. I can feel the calm smells which rounds me, although I was not completely in peace, there was something strange. When I took my backpack I did see that half part of my food have been stolen. Is there somebody else here except Ammanda? That situation drove me crazy because all that we have got will finish in two days! God! I dunno what to do

  4. I try to eat something, then I go forward the front of the schooner and I see a little fishing boat. I'm curious about this boat and I think "I must reach it". When I get the boat I don't see anybody, however I find a message in a paper. It says "The more fascinating ocean is near of you. Try to uncover it and you can exist". What this message would like to say me? Am I the correct person to receive it? I don’t know but I need to follow my trip and feel the breeze of the sea I have knowledge.

    Up until that point Just had happened strange things perhaps my feelings would be emerging but i was fine. Somebody stole our food. Thought, I think that was Amanda because she was a little chubby i was got on with her...of course that if ammanda had listened it, she would have killed me. At that time already had passed two days and the food was run out i was becoming worried how i could sort it out this problem but from that point on, the food wouldn´t be the mainly problem because at the same time that i was thinking about....I did see the wether changing....those strange figures in the beginning(day one), was borning in the sky...the wind was blowing so fast that i didn´t get standy up on the deck and fell...suddenly...


    and suddenly a storm has begun,I was alone and when I saw that I got crazy.At that time I didn't know If I would survive the storm.Everything was shaking and I even couldn't stand up,my equipments was going out of the boat,I could stand up once and catch some of the equipments but a big wave hit the boat and I released them so I could hold myself in the boat.It was almost six hours in this hell and nothing changed,unlike that,It was getting worst,more rain,more wind and consequently more big waves to sink my boat.After more one hour meeting the hell It was over and I survived...or something like this.the first thing that I thought was to sleep,but when I realised how destroyed was my boat it chaged my mind.I looked in the boat if something had remained but all the storm left to me was a hole in the boat...

  7. ... My head was a little slow, ´cos I had beaten it on the boat, I was trying to reorganize my things when a bird alighted in front of me, It was looking me straightly and that made me pay attention, it was like It was trying to tell me something. It flew a little and after came back to the boat and alighted on my shoulder, after It got out flying close to the smooth water. I looked at in the way that It was flying and there was a small island. I understood that I should go to there, so I rowed until there, however when i was arriving I saw a little man, like a dwarf running in circles on the island, I thought it a little strange and when I was a little more close, the dwarf stoped to to run, looked at me and kept doing that. I turned to pick me backpack and when I turned around, the dwarf had disappeared, that was fantastic!! Only his clotes were on the land. I ent to there and when I took his clotes there was a little old paper in his pocket, the paper was written with strenge letters: "The more fascinating ocean is near of you. Try to uncover it and you can exist".. the same phrase that I had seen before, that mede me afraid! What a hell was that!

  8. (DAY SIX)

    well, it´s 10 pm, and only today I had time to keep my diary! The forth day definitly was the worst until today! Of course, when me and Ammanda decided to sail in The Pacific Ocean, we didn´t think that we could do it through! We supposed that we would be ready for any problem that could happen.. but we didn´t enjoy it so much at the begining! During these last days, we tryed to put everything on control, as well as possible! No more storms, no more all the equipments and no more enough food for the next 2 days! that´s it! Even so, we are enjoying so much the voyage and never passed in our mind the idea of give up! Especially becouse this non-paid experience to stay in touch with the nature!

  9. Diego.

    Actually until those two days pass, in that time, we can think about how to get more food, those happens make part of our adventures, and we can develop our abilities to deal with those situations, nevertheless we can not stop, we need to fix things in the vessel, I keep some hooks with me, we can try to fish. That island appeared when we really needed, we can stop here to fix the schooner, in that island there are lot of wood, we can use to do some repairs caused by the storm, besides, in that island we can use to find some fruit and maybe freshwater, we need to stock food and water, our journey will be long and we don’t know what we can find in the way.

  10. Felipe Molitor4 May 2009 at 23:19

    Day 7

    Well, I would never think that I was going to have so many adventures, and problems, in just a few days. If you think we were going to have a good time now you're damn wrong! Today we went to the island that I said before to fix the boat and try to get some food. Amanda used hers abilities to fix the boat using wood and some fibers she found there. At the same time I went to search for some food on the inner part of the island. At the beginning was not easy... but then I found a lot of coconuts and some fruits. It was getting late, and Amanda hadn't finished her job, so we're going to sleep here on the island. I hope it doesn't rain.

    Day 8

    Guess what, rain... yes, during all day, but fortunately that didn't ruined our job, except for the fact that Amanda is getting sick.
    As she finished fixing the boat we went to found more food. It would be our last walk to get food, after fighting with coconut trees and others we got sufficient to return to the boat, but then, we hear a shot!! Oh God! I thought we were alone but we were not. We walked a little more and I saw some guys haunting something with some shotguns. I said to Amanda to we come back to the boat but she didn't listened... big mistake, she suddenly felt and made some noise when she dropped some fruits, those guys didn't look like good guys and when they saw us they started to shout something very aggressive in a language we didn't knew! After that they started to run toward their boat that was near them on the coast. We ran back too! This entire situation was very crazy and scary but we thought that everything was over and we could get back to our schooner and keep moving. After 2 hours we were already sailing and, the best part, we were not hungry anymore, I think the food can last at least for 1 or 1 and a half week, if we do not eat fast. =D

    Day 9

    I'm very scared! I’m writing right now and I don't even know why
    It's raining a lot, and Amanda is controlling everything upstairs, we're now trying to escape from some kind of boat that is pursuiting us for 3 hours! I think this boat is the same that I saw yesterday on the island. At the beginning we thought that the boat was friendly, but then they started to shoot and we, somehow, got away from that situation, but they kept following us. The radio and other stuff on the boat are not working now cause of the rain, so we lost contact with people that could help us.
    The only way to survive is escaping.

    Oh god something hutted the boat right now! Jesus! Amanda is screaming!! Oh god I don't want to die.

    Day 10

    We’re locked on our own boat, on the room that I keep my stuff. I don't know where we are going, and I don't know what these people are. I think they are some kind of smugglers doing some contraband, but I can't imagine what are they smuggling. Our boat is tied to the bigger and I don't know how we're going to get rid of them.
    Oh! I can hear some shouts coming from the other boat! Looks like people are fighting over there! We are now very scared, we hope they don't hurt us or something like this.
    Wow we heard a big thud on our roof. Better stop writing

    Day 11

    I definitely don't know what is going on... right now I’m here on my room writing at the same time a Chinese man is guiding our boat for somewhere I don't know. He's hurt because he was shot but he's ok now, I made some curatives on him.
    Yesterday there were a big fight at the bigger ship, it was some kind of pirate ship and they were smuggling people!! Somehow I guess a prisoner escaped and ran to our boat, released us and then we could escape. I was crying and with my eyes were closed so I saw nothing that happened, but Amanda said that he KILLED some guys that tried to stop him! She thinks that he's some kind of 007 of China.
    I’m afraid of him but Amanda isn't. Somehow she likes him... I hope he's not a bad person.
    God my head is exploding... too much things happened on these days. Better sleep now, tomorrow we'll see what we're going to do.

  11. Day 12

    Well, I wasn't afraid anymore because de 007 chinese really wasn't a bad person. He still was guiding our boat and I asked his name but he couldn't understand me. I pointed to my chest and I said:
    - Marco, I am Marco.
    Than I pointed to Ammanda and repeated her name. He finally understood me and said:
    - Steven. Japan.
    We smiled one each other and resolved to explore the sea around us.

    Steven looked like a strang japanese guy, he was using a cotton t-shirt and denim trousers. A big scar in his left hand reported how he could be an agressive person.
